A Market Awakes a City

1 July 2022

City Rejuvenation is alive and growing in the heart of Pretoria. This year marks 8 years that Market@theSheds, the trendy urban market in the CBD of Pretoria, has been operating. This milestone celebrates the change that Market@theSheds, its founders and ever-growing family of designers, fashionistas, art- and food vendors has brought to the CBD of Pretoria. Their story is nothing short of inspirational - and proof of how collective action and persistence can overcome the obstacles of current city challenges.

AELC Co-founder & Chair travels to Saudi Arabia and South Korea

30 June 2022

Travel and tourism is the beating heart of the post-crisis global economic reconstruction. It is people-to-people exchanges and face-to-face meetings that lead to innovation and enterprise. It is with this knowledge and understanding that Percy Koji, Co-founder and Chair of the Africa Economic Leadership Council (AELC) travelled to Saudi Arabia and South Korea to promote Africa’s vast resources and to realise the continent’s untapped, sustainable potential.

Promoting Collaborative Multilateralism

The 14th BRICS summit, hosted virtually by China, calls for strengthening political mutual trust and security cooperation among developing countries

By Kirtan Bhana

Chinese President Xi Jinping hosts the 14th BRICS Summit in Beijing via video link on June 23 (XINHUA)

29 June 2022

The just-concluded 14th BRICS Summit, hosted by China virtually due to the measures taken to control the spread of COVID-19, took place amidst the challenges of global conflicts, discriminatory health policies and sanctimonious sanctions, and called on the developing nations to strengthen political mutual trust and security cooperation, have close communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, and maintain solidarity and harmony.

Post crisis building BRICS

24 June 2022

The 14th BRICS Summit kicked off on 23 June 2022 in Beijing under the theme ‘Fostering high-quality BRICS partnership, introducing a new era of global development’. The online summit was chaired by China’s President Xi Jinping and was attended by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa together represent about 41% of the world’s population, 26% of the planet’s land mass across four of the continents, 25% of GDP and 20% of world trade.

Africa Economic Leadership Council Business Conference and Expo coming to Botswana

23 June 2022

Gaborone - Africa Economic Leadership Council (AELC) is excited to bring to Botswana a 4-day program on entrepreneurship conference and expo from 11th -12th July 2022 at Fairgrounds Holdings, Gaborone and 14th -15th July at Cresta Marang Gardens in Francistown respectively.

This inaugural expo will be under the theme “Economic Transformation and Great Reset: Advancing through economic growth challenges, Gender and Youth inclusivity for a better Africa post Covid-19 era”. AELC is an exclusive platform bringing together entrepreneurs, policy makers, and business communities to form linkages and access market creation across the African continent.

King Sigcau was passionate about socio-economic development

21 June 2022

President Cyril Ramaphosa has hailed the late King of amaMpondo, Zanozuko Tyelovuyo Sigcau, as an exemplary traditional leader, who was passionate about developing his area. The President said King Sigcau’s name shines in the pantheon of the traditional leaders of the country who fought gallantly against dispossession and exploitation, and fought for a better life for their people. President Ramaphosa was delivering the eulogy at the funeral service of the late King of amaMpondo at Flagstaff in the Eastern Cape Province.

Ownership and Partnership – AUDA, JICA and TICAD

Jennifer Chiriga, Towela Nyirenda Jere, Toshiyuki Nakamura, Ambassador Norio Maruyama, George Kararach and Ayodele Odusola

22 June 2022

A sense of belonging is the human factor central to advancing Africa’s integration was the consensus reached at the launch of the third edition of the One-Stop Border Post (OSBP) Sourcebook, a joint work between the African Union Development Agency - AUDA-NEPAD and Japan International Cooperation Agency – JICA. The event held in Johannesburg, South Africa focused on Agenda 2063 for Africa’s development and cooperation with JICA, and looked forward to the 8th Tokyo International Conference for Africa’s Development – TICAD that is set to take place in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia on 27-28 August 2022.

The rising of the Matariki stars

Dr Emma Dunlop-Bennett, High Commissioner of New Zealand

21 June 2022

A beautiful, clear Winter Solstice evening in Pretoria provided the perfect setting to celebrate the rising of the Matariki stars at Aotearoa New Zealand house. Dr Emma Dunlop-Bennett, High Commissioner of New Zealand to South Africa said that Matariki is a time to reflect, remember, reconnect and renew. It is a time to “come together and reflect on the year that has passed, to celebrate the present, and to plan for the future.”

MOWCA: We are keeping busy and building momentum – says Dr Adalikwu

21 June 2022

by Oru Leonard

The Secretary General, Maritime Organisation of West Africa (MOWCA), Dr Paul Adalikwu has said his team is doing all that is necessary to reposition the Organisation.

In a chat with the editorial team of News Dot Africa, Dr Adalikwu stated, “We are keeping busy here and building momentum. I just presented a paper at an event this morning.

Celebrating the monumental legacy of Lemma Guya

Artist Netsanet Lemma with her father the late Dr Laureate Lemma Guya

20 June 2022

The Lemmism Art Center in Bishoftu town in Ethiopia is an acknowledgment of the late Dr Laureate Lemma Guya, one of the world’s most prolific and talented Ethiopian artists. Guya was born in 1928 in Ada’a, Oromia, Ethiopia and produced around ten thousand original works during his life. Even Emperor Haile Selassie I recognized Guya’s talents and ability and sent him for training as an airplane technician with the Ethiopian Air Force.

There Will Be African Victims of Russia’s War, Warn Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Olusegun Obasanjo

The former presidents of Liberia and Nigeria believe the UN is no longer fit for purpose.

by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Former President of Liberia and Nobel Laureate and Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President, Republic of Nigeria; Chairman, The Brenthurst Foundation

20 June 2022

The continuation of the war in Ukraine is of great concern to Africa. It is time that Africans spoke out in our continent’s interests.

Even before the war, Africa faced a perfect storm. It suffered from isolation from global supply chains during covid-19, stalling the economic recovery that was beginning to take shape. A debt crisis looms, with 25 African countries in debt distress or at high risk of defaulting, with Zambia and Nigeria among the worst affected. This is all happening against the backdrop of a rapid demographic change. The continent’s population will double to 2.5bn over the next generation, and most of this new cohort will live in cities. Although the shift will bring advantages, it will also place greater pressure on food supplies and on infrastructure.

Groundwork for Lasting Association

20 June 2022

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the China-Africa youth organizations 
strive to push forward collaboration through various activities
By Donatien Niyonzima

CAYF holds its first anniversary celebration, on December 18, 2020 (CAYF)

The youth play an important role in fostering China-Africa relations in a variety of ways. They serve as the foundation for the initiatives undertaken by the two sides. Their contribution is reflected through many youth organizations that operate in various fields such as culture, investment, cooperation, tourism, and so on. Among these is the China-Africa Youth Federation (CAYF), which was established with the goal of providing a platform for communication and friendly consultation among the youth engaged in economy, culture, education, and other areas.

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