43rd Anniversary of the Iran Revolution

10 February 2022

Today we have arrived at this day through years of dedication and sacrifice. Our revolution in 1979 strived to return to the people the right to choose their destiny in how best to participate in political, economic, and social make-up of their own country. I’m sure South Africa share the very same emotions of joy and excitement, when remembering their victory in 1994.

In this respect, self-reliance and progress in education, agricultural and industrial products and advancements in areas of Nano-technology, Aerospace, water management, civil nuclear technology for peaceful purposes in particular healthcare and clean energy are very paramount. Data and statistics released by credited international institutes also indicate the comprehensive progress and development of Iran, in particular in the scientific and technological areas.

During the past 43 years, the government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran have proved that when engaged with negotiation on the basis of mutual respect, they honor their part of the deal and abide by all their obligations; however, when faced with oppressive and maximum pressure, they manifest heroic resistance and give an unprecedented defeat to those waging economic terrorism on the country.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has a unique role in ensuring security and stability of the region and the world is standing sacrificially on the frontline of fighting against such ominous phenomena as terrorism, extremism, narcotics smuggling and it has paid a heavy price on this path. We honor the memory of the national and global hero of fighting against terrorism and extremism, Martyr General Qasem Soleimani and all other martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the cause of peace and security in the region and the world.

The Islamic Republic of Iran while benefiting from a strategic geographic location and massive natural and human resources and a large market, has unique and extensive potentials for cooperation and partnership in all domains in particular development and expansion of economic and commercial ties with all peaceful countries.

On a bilateral note, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of South Africa honor 28 years of friendship and effective cooperation. However, historically, Iran has been a longstanding friend of South Africans, especially during the Struggle.

In 1979, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iran severed all ties with the apartheid regime, and it wasn’t until 1994, when South Africans won their freedom, that Iran changed its approach towards South Africa and renewed its ties with the new democratically elected government of South Africa.

During our 28 years of close relations with South Africa, we successfully held 14 joint commissions which includes vast areas of cooperation. This year we have the hope to have the State Visit of H.E. Mr. Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of South Africa and the 15th joint commission in order to deepen our friendly relations in all fields.

We would like to thank South Africa for its progressive position and smart support of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially in the Security Council during 2019-2020 term, and for standing up against the oppressive and illegal US sanctions against the Iranian people. Iran and South Africa have always stood side by side over the past three decades, defending righteousness against falsehood and oppression.

Today, all our efforts are to take higher steps towards the interests of the two countries and the two nations by activating the capacities and capabilities of the two countries, and to raise the relations between the two countries to the highest level in all fields.

We are confident that with the strong determination of the leaders of the two countries and the efforts of all officials, this will be achieved and the people of Iran and South Africa will enjoy more from the benefits of cooperation between the two countries.

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran-Pretoria

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